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Archaeological Site of Castro de Leceia

Barcarena, Oeiras

This prehistoric town that have reached its apogee about 2800ac is known of the scientific world since 1878, when General Carlos Ribeiro (founder of prehistoric archaeology in Portugal) presented it in the Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. In 1983, before the imminent risk of destruction of what remained of the archaeological station, more methodical hollowings had been initiated, until 2002 covering an area of 11.000 square meters. This is one of the more important archaeological sites of the country. Not very distant, in Fábrica da Pólvora in Barcarena the scale model of this town can be appreciated, as well as some findings, what it allows to understand the daily activity of the town of Leceia, its cults and rituals. In the interior of the town a mill dated of XVIII century can still be seen. Guided visits are held by Oeiras municipality.

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